Environmental Philosophy
As the duty of the company deals with chemicals and its raw materials, Akasaki Impex contribute to the society by obtaining the accurate information regarding high quality raw materials and processed products and provide those information to all of our clients. More ever as an important management task, we tackle environmental issues and strive to prevent environmental pollution and preserve the environment for future generation.
Environmental Policy
1. We observe environmental laws and regulations, and consented to other requirements.
2. We place high priorities on the followings for environmental conservation activities:
– We positively suggest environmentally friendly products and promote their usage.
– We reduce inventory waste.
– In our offices, we save resources and energy, and promote green purchasing. (sustainable procurement.)
3. We set environmental purposes and goals, and promote a continuous improvement in the management system.
4. We educate our employees to understand our environmental policy so that everyone participates in these activities.
5. We publicly announce our environmental policy.